Holy Family Townhome
Lawrenceville, Pittsburgh, PA
Status: Completed 2023
Building Type: Townhomes
Area: 57,000 SF
Holy Family's new development will feature 21 townhouses adjacent to the historic Holy Family Church in Central Lawrenceville. Most units will match the surrounding 2½ and 3-story rowhouses. Each townhouse will have direct sidewalk access, with parking located at the rear to preserve the streetscape and eliminate driveways or garages on the public right-of-way.
The design will incorporate local materials, including full-depth brick masonry in various colors and textures, and vertical board and batten siding for a modern touch. High-quality aluminum windows with expansive glazing will also be featured.
To reduce visual impact, the upper levels will be set back, creating rooftop patios and minimizing the scale of the units from the street. The development will replace the existing school building and parking lot with landscaping that mitigates heat and enhances wind conditions, while offering larger front yards for improved sun access.